The 2-car Class 502 is finally under cover after over 10 years outside rotting away.
So what's special about it? It is made up of the last 2 carriages from the Liverpool - Southport ( Ormskirk) 630V DC 3rd rail sets. Saved and restored to running order in 1985 by Steamport, Southport it ran over the network on a few specials. I travelled to Birkenhead North Depot Open Day on this train on 6th April 1986. I thought it had been saved for posterity. I was so, so wrong. When Steamport's Southport MPD was bought for retail development the team moved lock, stock barrel to form the Ribble steam centre in Preston. There was sadly no room for the Class 502 and it was returned to the National Railway Museum. They in turn stored it OUTSIDE at MOD Kineton in Warwickshire. It was safe from vandals and metal thieves but the weather has taken an enormous toll. More recently it went to a base in Tebay where it was vandalised and it has now finally found a new home in Burscough, West Lancashire hidden behind the biggest collection of heritage buses I've ever seen.