Response to anonymous comment received.
BA! You're lucky. Normally anonymous comments get dumped but on this occasion I've decided to respond.
So - What monies are you talking about? Monies from sale of photos. Get real. Nobody has bought a photo from me for months. Nothing - Zilch. So what else? I offered this collection to Brian Sharpe, Deputy Editor at Heritage Railway Mag to see if he needed any to publicise the good news of the progress. - Response? Nothing as usual. Any fees received would have been donated to the railway. As it was I put a donation over the ticket office counter at Winchcombe station and also into the musicians violin case on the platform. What more do you want?
I have enabled the "buy it now" option to enable anybody who wants a photo - most often photos they see on my website of themselves - to avoid me having to print them out, find a suitable envelope and cut card to avoid the thing being folded or creased, then the postage and most often in the past people expected that all for free. So it answers two needs - mine and their's.
At this stage of the reconstruction of the embankment collapse crisis the Gamp;WR needs all the publicity it can get and in my own small way I hope I've provided viewers with an update and a motivation to visit the railway soon. Its one of the best heritage railways going, one that I've bought shares in and have always felt it's the friendliest place to visit with no backstabbing, jobsworths etc etc. However BA, your comment has made me think again.
My intentions were to take photos and publicise the railway. That is all. Introduce myself? Virtually nobody looked up at me as I walked past - evidenced by the photos. Nobody said "Good morning" no leader was obvious and I simply wanted to catch a few shots and get back to the station.
If BA had provided an e-mail address all this would have been written privately. As it is I could not ignore the comment.